Isabel Bejarano
The George Washington University
My favorite motto
Do or do not. There is no “try.”
My hobby
Playing rock and folk music with my band of friends. We specialize in covers of The Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan and can usually be spotted hauling equipment around Adams Morgan on Friday nights.
The most valuable piece of advice I’ve ever received
“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Not every role is for every person, but for every person there is a role.
What “Breaking away from the expected” means to me
Addressing needs before they arise and thereby taking a project above and beyond our clients’ expectations.
One word my colleagues use to describe me
The qualities that make me “unconventional”
My diverse professional background makes me just as comfortable in the foundation of a construction site as I am in the boardroom.