Team based change management
Moving beyond change as usual
Eagle Hill adds a new dimension to traditional change management’s focus on the individual. We partner with clients to leverage interpersonal dynamics to empower the heart of their organization—their teams—to drive change. Our team based approach to change management breaks the mold, yielding new and more effective ways to speed adoption and sustain organizational change.

Our team change management approach
Team based change reimagines how we harness the power of change management to drive success for our clients.
Discover: Understand teams

Create: Design for teams

Engage: Motivate teams

Advance: Empower teams
Why shift from traditional change management?

Traditional change management is broken
Sadly, 70 percent of transformation efforts fail.
Source: Harvard Business Review

The nature of work has changed
Employees spend 50 percent more of their time on collaborative work than they did 20 years ago.
Source: Harvard Business Review

Team leads are the biggest influencers
Employees overwhelmingly identify their team lead as the biggest influencer of change in the workplace.
Team based change insights
Keep your finger on the pulse of the trends impacting your business and your industry with actionable insights and best practices based on our proprietary research.
Reinventing change management in federal
A new Eagle Hill Consulting survey shows that according to federal employees, optimizing change is a weak link in workplace teams. Learn how well workplace teams are functioning today and take a look at our approach to team-based change.
Reinventing change management
A new Eagle Hill Consulting survey shows that according to employees, optimizing change is a weak link in workplace teams. Learn how well workplace teams are functioning today and take a look at our approach to team-based change.
Across generations. Change is change. People are people.
Workforces are more multigenerational than ever before—so you might be surprised to learn that most employees share the same views on change management, regardless of their age group. What change management qualities cross generational divides?