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2021 Nonprofit outlook: Employee driven change

Last year was like no other for nonprofits – uncertainty, unexpected turns stemming from the pandemic and recession. Change was forced upon nonprofits – from layoffs to shifting services.  

The pressure is still on today. Nonprofit employees continue to operate with fewer resources, higher demands and job security fears. 

The way forward in 2021: engage nonprofit employees to commandeer changes that will galvanize innovation and resilience. 

For nonprofits to continue to deliver on their mission during these uncertain times, it will be critical for leaders to make employee engagement a top priority.

– Melissa Jezior, President and CEO

Change dominates nonprofits

In the last 6 months, which of the following has your employer implemented?

Survey respondents could select more than one.

Has your employer cut costs in 2020?

Survey respondents could select more than one.

In response to recent events in the last 6 months, has your organization made any changes to raise money to support causes related to:

In the last year, has your leadership made any significant changes to the goals and activities of your organization?

Has your organization changed how employees work due to COVID-19 (e.g., travel, social distancing, etc.)?

Has your organization changed how it serves your constituents in response to COVID-19?

Change dominates nonprofits

In the last 6 months, has your organization increased its focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace?

In the last 6 months, which of the following actions has your employer taken to address diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace?

Survey respondents could select more than one.


The online survey included 505 respondents from a random sample of non profit employees across the United States. The survey polled respondents on the nonprofit industry in light of recent events including social unrest and the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The 2020 Eagle Hill Consulting Nonprofit Survey was conducted online by Ipsos in October 2020.

Employees are the driving force behind the resilience and innovation that is required for nonprofits to not only survive this turmoil, but emerge stronger.

– Melissa Jezior, President and CEO