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What employees want: the role of vaccines and employer mandates in the return to work

As the US ramps up coronavirus vaccinations, the road ahead remains complicated for employers. Eagle Hill Consulting research finds employees have mixed views on issues including returning to the workplace and vaccination requirements. But, employees agree that they want employers involved in many parameters around workplace safety.

Employers have to find the balance between ensuring a safe work environment while not imposing requirements that will generate employee anxiety or animosity.

– Melissa Jezior, President and CEO

COVID-19 vaccines and returning to the workplace

Many US workers say employers should delay re-opening workplaces until COVID-19 vaccines are more widely available.


say organizations should wait to reopen

Workers are divided on whether employers should require employee vaccinations.


say organizations should require vaccinations

More than half of workers want employer incentives (money, paid time off, gift cards, etc.) to encourage vaccinations.


want their employer to offer incentives

Employees want their employers to play an active role in COVID-19 precautions even after a vaccine is widely available.

US workers say their organization should require or encourage employees to:


Social distance


Wear masks


Have their
temperature checked


Wear personal
protective equipment


Receive regular
COVID-19 testing


These findings are contained in the Eagle Hill Consulting COVID-19 vaccines and the workplace survey conducted by IPSOS from February 5-9, 2021. The survey included 1,006 respondents from a random sample of employees across the US.