Unconventional impact, unconventional consulting

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F: Eagle Hill makes an impact with its clients by working with their people to really understand what the issues are at hand and to help them work their way through those.
M: You’re the expert on your business. You know exactly what you need. And we’re just there to enable and facilitate that change. I think that kind of ownership allows for the client to have a larger impact on their company.
M: I think clients often invest in other things like technology or organizational design, but they’re not really going to maximize that investment if their people don’t come along with them on the journey. So focusing on helping them get the most out of their people is really impactful to them.
F: Eagle Hill makes an impact by creating solutions that our clients can use without us needing to be there.
M: Eagle Hill make an impact by being an unconventional team of consultants that goes above and beyond in every way that they can.
M: Our work with our clients creates a better environment, less stressful. More efficient work. Better outcomes on their end. People have a better sense of how to achieve things more efficiently. And I think that’s important.
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