Home > Quizzes > Human capital QUiz Human capital Take the quiz Step 1 of 14 7% My organization clearly understands what mission success looks like.* Yes No My organization effectively plans for evolving workforce needs.* Yes No My organization has a simple and strategic recruiting program.* Yes No My organization has a strong value proposition to attract top talent.* Yes No My organization has an efficient and effective way to screen candidates to join our workforce.* Yes No My organization’s onboarding program provides new employees the information they need to hit the ground running.* Yes No Performance management within my organization is effective.* Yes No Managers and employees at my organization conduct regular performance conversations.* Yes No Employees at my organization are rewarded and recognized for their work.* Yes No Employees at my organization understand how to move onto the next level.* Yes No My organization offers sufficient career development opportunities.* Yes No My organization supports positive employee transitions across all levels.* Yes No My organization effectively captures and shares knowledge.* Yes No Quiz complete! Submit your email to see your results instantly.Email* Optin Subscribe for the latest news and updates from Eagle Hill CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.