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Kim Townsend

University of Colorado
Something about me people might not know

I’m Eagle Hill’s first boomerang! I worked at Eagle Hill in 2017-2018 and returned in 2022.

A life change that seemed risky at the time, but turned out positive

When I was 23, I volunteered to join the Peace Corps. It was one of the most challenging experiences of my life, but it was also one of the most rewarding and ended up teaching me more about people, being independent, and the world than I ever could have learned in a classroom or entry-level job!

One word my colleagues would use to describe me


What energizes me the most

Connecting with people. I’m a “10” on the extrovert scale so anytime I’m interacting with people I feel energized.

My favorite getaway spot

Hiking in the mountains.

Favorite part of working at Eagle Hill

The culture and the people! It’s amazing to be a part of a culture focused entirely on valuing people and helping them succeed together.